Pancakes: Other Potato Pancake Recipes

Subject: Other Potato Pancake Recipes
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 09:47:07 +0200
Sender: Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List
From: Sharon Marcus (ntcf at
Subject: Another recipe for levivot (Potato Pancakes)
After all the other recipes I own for potato pancakes, I still use this one - already many years...

6 medium potatoes
1 onion, grated
2 eggs
1 tsp. salt
1/3 c. GF flour mix

Pare and grate potatoes and squeeze out liquid. Add remaining ingredients, mixing thoroughly with a spoon. Fry on moderate heat in just a bit of oil, on both sides.

Drain excess oil on paper towel. Serve with powdered sugar, apple sauce or sour cream.
Subject: Re: How to make potato pancackes?
From: auwen at (John David Auwen)
Date: 11 Dec 1996 11:32:57 -0600
I usually make these 1 at a time when we have left-over mashed potatoes.
Here's how I do it:

2/3 C left-over mashed potatoes (cold from the fridge)
1 egg
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/4 C vegetable oil or bacon fat

Heat cooking oil/fat in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. (I like to fry bacon first and then use the fat to make a potato pancake.)

Put potato, egg, salt, and pepper in a small flat-bottomed bowl. Using a potato masher, thoroughly combine ingredients.

When skillet is hot, add pancake mixture to skillet. Using a spatula, spread it out evenly to about 1/4" thickness. It will be about 6" in diameter.

Let it cook until you see browning around the edges. The most common mistake is turning these things too early. They will fall apart on you if you turn them too early. Make sure you see distinct browning on the outer edge before turning it.

Cook on the other side about the same length of time as the first side. Judge doneness by looking, once again, for browning on the outer edge.

Drain on a paper towel and serve hot. Goes well with bacon or sausage.

Subject: Re: How to make potato pancackes?
From: mmp77 at (Melissa)
Date: 12 Dec 1996 03:19:13 GMT
Mine are pretty simple, though I am told they are not quite traditional. I have no particular measurements, I just wing it .

Peel and shred white potatoes. Place in mixing bowl and add just enough eggs and milk to make them stick together (you can remove the yolks and just use whites if you'd like to eliminate any egg-ey taste). Add salt/pepper, grated onion, parmesan cheese (I suppose any type of cheese would be good, cheddar, etc). Scoop out balls into pan with HOT oil and quickly flatten w/spatula into pancake shape before they start to cook. Fry one or two at a time (turning only once) until golden brown. Cool on paper towels to drain. I make these ahead of time and put in fridge (after they are completely cool, not while warm or they will be extra soggy next time around) to be re-heated for quick AM breakfast w/eggs. They lose some crunch that way but still taste good.
Subject: Re: How to make potato pancackes?
From: abziegler at (Abziegler)
Date: 25 Dec 1996 00:32:57 GMT
grandmas potato pancakes

potatoes (5 lbs)
3 eggs
flour (just to thicken) about 1/2 cup
onion diced 1-2 depending on size (they add the taste)
peel potatoes, shred in processor, let sit for a while to let water rise. (or squeeze out excess water)
mix in remaining ingredients. fry.
eat with applesauce or sour cream
Subject: Re: How to make potato pancackes?
From: Tere Fredericks (madeupagin at
Date: 25 Dec 1996 12:40:43 GMT
The secret is to get the potatoes as dry as possible. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.