Pancakes: rosti potatoes?

Subject: rosti potatoes?
From: Adrian (rhey at
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 04:23:15 -0800
Does anyone have a recipe for rosti potatoes? This is a Swiss way of cooking potatoes and I have been unable to locate a recipe for this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
From: jbird at (Jim Bird)
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 16:01:37
For what it is worth, I was flipping through the November 96 issue of Sunset magazine while waiting for the supermarket line to move, and noticed that they have a recipe for Rosti. If you're in the west (or a subscriber) you can pick it up.
From: Mary Ash (smile at
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 1996 18:42:38 -0800

These are soooo rich and fattening. Only make them for treats but they
are worth every bite.


Recipe By: Bon Appetit Country Cooking
Serving Size: 6
Categories: Eggs, Cheese And Etc. Main Dishes

1 cup Gruyere cheese -- shredded
1 cup cream -- optional
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 pounds potatoes -- peeled and grated
salt and pepper -- to taste

Stir the cheese into the cream, if used. Melt the butter in a large, heavy skillet. Sprinkle the grated potatoes with salt, pile into the pan and fry for about 20 minutes, turning occasionally. Halfway through cooking, add the cheese (or cream and cheese). When the potatoes are tender, turn Rosti onto a warm plate and serve with a fresh salad and a crusty bread.

Serves 6 at 375 calories per serving
From: hblarson at (Howard Larson)
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 00:23:59 GMT
There is a recipe at URL: [link dead. later redirect blocks in]
From: mmeister at (M. Meister)
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 02:57:58 GMT
It's really easy. All you do is grate some peeled Yukon Gold potatoes or other yellow-fleshed potato in the food processor. While you are doing this, put a little oil in a frying pan and heat it up to about medium or just a little less. Grab handfuls of grated potatoes and put into frypan sort of spreading them out as you go. Press with a pancake turner (food-turner, spatula <g>). Flip entire cake when the bottom is brown and cook on other side until done.

Traditionally, the Swiss boil the potatoes first then peel them and cut them into julienne strips. The strips are then tossed into the frying pan and tossed around until cooked. Then you press the whole thing into a cake and fry until crispy on the bottom. Upend onto a roesti platter with the crispy side up.

Serve with cornichons (sour dill gherkins) small pickled onions like you would serve with raclette. You can also melt some gruyere on top of the potato cake during the last portion of the cooking and make slight depressions in it. Crack eggs into the depressions, put a lid on the pan until the eggs are cooked. Cut into wedges with an egg for each person.

The Bearnaise saute onion and bacon until the onion is soft (do not brown the bacon) and mix with the potatoes. Then cook as usual.
From: Cynthia (cynjfazz at
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 00:46:32 -0800
An issue of Cook's Illustrated (within the past year) had a special-feature article on Rosti.
From: Mathieu (mathieuw at
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 09:33:45 +0100
No big mystery in roesti, but as traditional dishes go, you have two Swiftian clans that will fight bitter wars on whether they should be made from raw or boiled potatoes.

The potatoes (either raw or boiled for about ten minutes) should be very coarsely grated. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. In a frying pan, heat clarified butter in very generous quantities (the traditional recipe calls for one third of the weight of the potatoes), form potatoes into small cakes and let cook, without stirring, over low heat until golden brown on the bottom (20 to 25 minutes). When golden brown, add two tablespoons of milk and let cook over low heat for another ten minutes.

Roesti Bernese style include fried bacon. For roesti Zurich style, cut the potatoes in thin slices instead of coarsely grating them.