General: Salt and Potatoes
Subject: Salt and Potatoes
From: monarch at (Lance)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:20:24 GMT
Hi all - I've heard recently, on the crockpot mailing list, about using chunks of potatoes in recipes to reduce salt/sodium, both for taste and for health.
Does this work in other types of cooking?
If I put some chunks in with some Ragu (forgive me - I'm single!:) or hamburger helper, where it cooks for only ten or fifteen minutes, will the potatoes also reduce the sodium then? What about in canned soup, cooked in the microwave for five or so minutes?
Thanks for the help!
From: Sara (sarazarr at
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:21:57 -0700
Lance wrote:
>Hi all - I've heard recently, on the crockpot mailing list, about using
>chunks of potatoes in recipes to reduce salt/sodium, both for taste and
>for health.
I don't get it. Do you mean that the potatoes soak up the sodium, and then you don't eat the potatoes?
From: monarch at (Lance)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:01:02 GMT
Sara wrote:
>I don't get it. Do you mean that the potatoes soak up the sodium, and
>then you don't eat the potatoes?
From: Sandra B. Dykes (SDykes at
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 02:03:42 GMT
I have heard that you can add some cubed raw potato to a dish as an emergency measure, to help absorb excess salt if you've put in too much. You discard the potato after it's cooked. I wouldn't recommend this as a normal practice with foods you eat every day -- if your soup or "Ragu" is too salty for you, make your own version with less salt, or find a salt free alternative. Good luck!
From: Heather (hehb1 at
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:17:53 -0800
Lance wrote:
>Ragu (forgive me - I'm single!:)
You mean "Rageeewwwww?" I don't forgive you! ;-D
Being single is not an excuse for feeding yourself junk. Buy some nice chopped tomatoes, some tomato puree and some garlic and fresh herbs and make your "own" special sauce that you can serve. You'll attract Ms/Mr. right with your wonderful cooking skills!
From: Jason (bullseye at
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 01:09:42 -0600
Heather wrote:
> You mean "Rageeewwwww?" I don't forgive you! ;-D
Dude,'ll work,..throw the damn tater chunks in and and let em soak the sodium up and throw it away. I cook everything from well,.ragu,..canned and otherwise to most anything that walks or crawls or flies in one way or another,..if it suits ya, it,..I'm single,..(again thank God) but not because of my cooking,..I've come to the conclusion I'm just a butthead and impossible to live with. White trailer trash? Ya damn betcha ...broke? of course! college education? yup, about my spelling? nope,..but I'm happy and eat what I what when I want how I want it,..and ..oh my Goshness,..I'm a heathen,..I'm quite sure I turn many epicurian's stomach's in this group,..and I giggle when I do,..but food is food,'s a matter of prepering it to your taste and/or your guest's. But when cooking for yourself,..let er rip! And on the same token I know I've helped some people out in here... as almost all in here have and more so than I ever could have and better than I ever could. Just have fun,..because that's what cooking is about.
From: Michael L Kankiewic (michaelk at
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 08:53:16 -0500
Heather wrote:
> You mean "Rageeewwwww?" I don't forgive you! ;-D
Cut them some slack - it could've been Chef Boy-R-Dee :-&
Seriously, there are some nice jar sauces out there these days.