Baked: Baked potato wafers
Subject: Baked potato wafers
From: Ken Knecht (kenkknot at
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 16:32:23 GMT
Heat oven to 375
Select large well-shaped potato(es). Scrub well. Rub with butter.
Cut, without peeling, into 1/4" rounds
Place them on a generously buttered baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Bake for 20 minutes or until tender. Turn slices as they brown.
Serve garnished with minced parsley
From: Jen (anyofus at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:55:07 GMT
Ken Knecht wrote:
> Heat oven to 375
> Select large well-shaped potato(es). Scrub well. Rub with butter.
Rub with butter before cutting?
> Cut, without peeling, into 1/4" rounds
? 1/4 " rounds? The size of the potato? How thin?
> Place them on a generously buttered baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
> Cover
> Bake for 20 minutes or until tender. Turn slices as they brown.
> Serve garnished with minced parsley
Sounds wonderful. Sorry if I seem stupid with these questions.
From: Nancy Young (qwerty at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:07:27 -0400
Jen wrote:
> Rub with butter before cutting?
Yes, it would be tough to rub the skin with butter once they are cut.
>> Cut, without peeling, into 1/4" rounds
> ? 1/4 " rounds? The size of the potato? How thin?
(smile) 1/4 inch thin. They will make different size "coins" to bake.
> Sounds wonderful. Sorry if I seem stupid with these questions.
They do sound great, though I'm having trouble seeing that they will brown if they are covered.
nancy (thinking granulated garlic might bake nicely on them)
From: Jen (anyofus at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:36:32 GMT
>>> Select large well-shaped potato(es). Scrub well. Rub with butter.
>> Rub with butter before cutting?
> Yes, it would be tough to rub the skin with butter once they
> are cut.
Oh yeah!!!
>>> Cut, without peeling, into 1/4" rounds
>> ? 1/4 " rounds? The size of the potato? How thin?
> (smile) 1/4 inch thin. They will make different size "coins"
> to bake.
Oh yeah!!!
They were stupid questions weren't they, I'm usually not that stupid. But I'm used to cm.
From: Nancy Young (qwerty at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:42:47 -0400
Jen wrote:
> They were stupid questions weren't they, I'm usually not that stupid. But
> I'm used to cm.
(laugh) No, sometimes it's tough to visualize what someone is saying. They really do sound delicious, I think I'll make them today or tomorrow.
From: Ken Knecht (kenkknot at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:28:07 GMT
Nancy Young wrote:
> They do sound great, though I'm having trouble seeing that they
> will brown if they are covered.
The recipe says to cover them but I don't. I thought the same as you when I tried them.
From: Nancy Young (qwerty at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 14:03:55 -0400
Ken Knecht wrote:
> The recipe says to cover them but I don't. I thought the same as you when
> I tried them.
Then that's what I'll do ... thanks. nancy
From: Ken Knecht (kenkknot at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:27:04 GMT
Jen wrote:
> Rub with butter before cutting?
That's what the recipe says. I don't. I spray the pan and slices with butter-flavored no-stick.
> ? 1/4 " rounds? The size of the potato? How thin?
A 1/4" thin slices cut vertically through the potato lying on the cutting board - like I cut cucumbers for salad or bananas to add to Jello. Not thick or they'll take much more time to bake. I use a potato about a pound or somewhat more, well-rounded - like I choose for baking. I've used Idahos so far but have a large red potato I'm going to try next time.
From: Stan Horwitz (stan at
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 20:16:19 -0400
Ken Knecht wrote:
> Heat oven to 375
> Select large well-shaped potato(es). Scrub well. Rub with butter.
> Cut, without peeling, into 1/4" rounds
> Place them on a generously buttered baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and
> pepper.
If you really want to punch up your recipe, you can use a pan coated with olive oil instead of butter and sprinkle the potatoes with dried rosemary leaves.
From: Ken Knecht (kenkknot at
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 13:36:23 GMT
Stan Horwitz wrote:
> If you really want to punch up your recipe, you can use a pan coated
> with olive oil instead of butter and sprinkle the potatoes with dried
> rosemary leaves.
Thanks. I'll try that when I make the next batch.