Types: canned potatoes are useful if--

Subject: canned potatoes are useful if--
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
Started as: Pleasant surprise - Brussels sprouts
From: nancree (nancree at aol.com)
Date: 11 Jan 2007 01:06:03 -0800
kilikini wrote:
> Chatty Cathy wrote:
> > Steve Y wrote:
> > > If you want to undo the surprise, tried the tinned variety that exists
> > > in France, have yet to taste anything much nastier;
> >
> > Fortunately, tinned "anything" these days is not high up on my shopping
> > list. With the exception of canned tomatoes - which I still find OK.
> > What shocked/amused me was the fact that people use canned potatoes -
> > the mind boggles. ;)
> Ugh, someone gave me a can of potatoes one time and I thought, what the
> heck? NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Why on earth do they exist in a can when
> they're so cheap and easy to obtain in their natural form?

I like to keep a couple of cans of potatoes (sliced are preferred) on hand.
They are like new potatoes. They are good when fried with good butter and sliced onions--very tasty indeed. They can turn an ordinary breakfast into something special. Or a dinner, and children love them.
Nice to serve with a last-minute barbecue, or ?? After you get over the surprise, I think you will enjoy them once in a while.

Cheers, Nancree
From: robotiser at googlemail.com
Date: 11 Jan 2007 01:59:29 -0800
nancree wrote:
> I like to keep a couple of cans of potatoes (sliced are preferred) on hand.
> They are like new potatoes. They are good when fried with good butter
> and sliced onions--very tasty indeed. They can turn an ordinary
> breakfast into something special. Or a dinner, and children love them.
> Nice to serve with a last-minute barbecue, or ?? After you get over
> the surprise, I think you will enjoy them once in a while.

When we go out as a family, then I like to take picnic food rather than sandwiches. Not that it always happens :-( So I need a number of dishes that I can make quickly in the morning. Canned "new"-ish potatoes covered in what I call mayonnaise makes a quick and edible potato salad.
From: Alan Moorman at visi.com
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:00:48 -0600
nancree wrote:
>I like to keep a couple of cans of potatoes (sliced are preferred) on hand.

I bet you could use those to make hog German potato salad. You know, bacon, potatoes, a bit of vinegar and a bit of
sugar -- all done in a skillet.

Someone should have a recipe.
From: Jo Anne Slaven (joanne.slaven at sympatico.ca)
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:16:21 -0500
Alan Moorman wrote:
>I bet you could use those to make hog German potato salad.
>You know, bacon, potatoes, a bit of vinegar and a bit of
>sugar -- all done in a skillet.
>Someone should have a recipe.

That *IS* the recipe! :-p
From: Omelet (omp_omelet at gmail.com)
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:29:55 -0600
nancree wrote:
> I like to keep a couple of cans of potatoes (sliced are preferred) on hand.

We used to use them for camping. :-)
They make lovely fried breakfast potatoes...

Camping out in the boondocks like my parents used to do causes some unique food storage challenges. Canned stuff is good.

I have very fond memories of canned bacon!