Casserole: Freezing potato Scallop

Subject: Freezing potato Scallop
From: Reg Yabsley (ryabsley at
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:44:40 -0300
I'm wondering about potato scallop? I would like to prepare this twenty-four hours ahead of time but wonder how to prevent the discoloration of the potatoes on top, and whether the potatoes would absorb the milk making the dish dry? Usually I prepare this and immediately pop in the oven. I want to make less work on the day I'm entertaining. Also, has anyone ever prepared the scallop and frozen it? Directions please and any helpful suggestions. Thank you.
From: Edwin Pawlowski (esp at
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 22:35:23 -0400
The potatoes turn brown from a reaction to oxygen, just like many fruits do. I'd sprinkle it with a commercial product like Fruit Fresh or dip the slices in a bit of lemon juice.

Potatoes do not freeze well.
From: willille (willilleNOwiSPAM at
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:46:02 -0700
I have yet to find a way to freeze potato, either cooked or raw. They always end up with a mealy texture when you cook them or warm them up.
From: Stan Horwitz (stan at
Date: 2 Jun 2000 12:57:42 GMT
Your best bet is to keep the sliced potatoes in a bowl of water with a few squeezes of lemon juice in the refridgerater over night instead of freezing them. This will keep the potatoes from discoloring. You can then easily put them in a pan with the milk and other ingredients and bake them when at the appropriate time.
From: turner at (Johanna C. Colgrove)
Date: 2 Jun 2000 09:48:49 -0800
I wouldn't freeze it either, but I might parboil the sliced potatoes (just enough to cook the surface) then assemble and refridgerate overnight.

Water alone is enough to keep potatoes from turning brown, you don't need the lemon for them. At least in my experience prep cooking in a big kitchen.