Griddle/Pan Fried: Fried mashed potatoes
Subject: Fried mashed potatoes
From: fullmetalgrotus at (FullMetalGrotus)
Date: 25 Nov 2001 02:38:20 GMT
I was at my moms and she made this. Does anyone have a recipe or can tell me how to do it?
From: Ellen Betancourt (peter at
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 02:58:19 GMT
To 4 cups of leftover mashed potatos add 1 egg and 2 T of flour. Mix thoroughly. Form into into 3" patties, lightly dust with seasoned flour (flour, salt, white pepper, paprika) and pan fry in butter til golden brown on both sides. Serve with turkey in gravy.
From: Kudzu (kudzu at
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 07:02:53 GMT
It sounds wonderful!
Seasons Greetings!
From: Charlie L. Gifford (taxicolor at
Date: 25 Nov 2001 08:45:52 GMT
Ellen wrote
> To 4 cups of leftover mashed potatos add 1 egg and 2 T of flour. Mix
> thoroughly. Form into into 3" patties, lightly dust with seasoned flour
> (flour, salt, white pepper, paprika) and pan fry in butter til golden
> brown on both sides. Serve with turkey in gravy.
I do it a little differently. I make 4 to 5 inch patties. I don't season my flour - I season the potatoes with salt and pepper before making patties . I fry them in bacon fat. I serve them with fried eggs, tomatoes and bacon or sausage. It is a breakfast thing in my family.
From: Ranee Mueller (raneem at
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 16:18:38 -0800
C. L. Gifford wrote:
> I do it a little differently. I make 4 to 5 inch patties. I
> don't season my flour - I season the potatoes with salt and
> pepper before making patties . I fry them in bacon fat. I
> serve them with fried eggs, tomatoes and bacon or sausage. It
> is a breakfast thing in my family.
Well, our mashed potatoes are usually salted enough that I don't feel like re-salting them. I mix in an egg or two, make patties and fry in butter. We like them quite well that way.
From: Bev C. (sinkcarnospam at
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 11:04:06 -0600
We sauté some diced onions in butter then mix the onions into the leftover potatoes with some grated cheese. Form into patties and fry on both sides. Yum. It's even better if you put the onions and cheese in the day before.
Or, you can mix in some leftover meatloaf and fry. I wet my hands before shaping the patties and it helps keep the potatoes from sticking.
As a general rule we make twice the amount of potatoes we think we'll need - just so we can fry some up the next day.
From: patscga at (Patscga)
Date: 25 Nov 2001 22:26:02 GMT
Why don't you ask your mother?
Pat in Atlanta
From: SonofJorEl at (Alan Ladd)
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 15:48:16 -0800 (PST)
>Why don't you ask your mother?
>Pat in Atlanta
I was about to respond the same thing to the original poster. I'm surprised many people responded positively instead of asking why the poster just does not ask his/her mother. I'm getting too cynical...must take a break from RFC.
From: fullmetalgrotus at (FullMetalGrotus)
Date: 26 Nov 2001 03:10:02 GMT
>Why don't you ask your mother?
>Pat in Atlanta
She wont tell me.
But I was able to figure it out. I put butter in the frying pan, dumped some mashed potatoes in and let them cook.
Added cheddar on top and smothered with tabasco when it was done (I once learned the hard way not to add tabasco while the food was still cooking...)
From: frater mus ( at
Date: 26 Nov 2001 16:28:16 -0600
FullMetalGrotus wrote
> once learned the hard way not to add tabasco while the food was still
> cooking...)
What happens?