Subject: Purple Potatoes
From: rap at at
Date: 22 Nov 1995 01:13:08 GMT
I'm looking for any information re: purple potatoes. The're even purple inside! What minerals etc. make the color? Origins?
I found them at Safeway and they were grown here in Center, Colorado.
They're delicious. I'm going to make purple potato salad!
From: Michael.Lerner at (Michael Lerner)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 22:20:03 -0800
I saw them about 1 1/2 years ago at the local farmer's market and I was told that they were originally from Peru.
From: pbyrnes at (Patricia C. Byrnes)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 13:26:43 GMT
Those little purple potatoes are only one of the more than 100 varieties of potatoes found in Peru. When I was there I tried to taste as many varieties as possible, but only managed about 30. It's amazing! I had potato-cheese soup, various potatoe salads, potatoe-lamb casseroles, potato-vegetable/bean combinations and some type of sweet potatoes (not the sweet potato/yam we know) for dessert.
From what I've been able to read, potatoes were originally cultivated by the Incas on their incredible terraces. Only 1 variety was brought to Europe and then to America, so there's a lot more yet to come.
Regards .... Pat
From: dale at (E Dale Thompson)
Date: 24 Nov 1995 09:27:46 -0800
If you're interested in growing some unusual potatoes, or even just reading about all the various ones available, get a catalog from Seeds Blum, HC 33 Idaho City Stage, Boise ID 83706 (FAX 208-338-5658). The 1995 catalog offers 11 pink fleshed varieties, ranging for ""almost red" and "deep maroon" to "delicate creamy pink" and one that has " concentric white then pink rings with a pink design in the center",,,four purples,three yellows. Jan Blum says her interest in other-than- white potatoes came from a National Geographic article several years ago about Peruvian potatoes and she's been working with them ever since.
From: cmathew at (Joan Mathew)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 13:12:19 GMT
They make nice baked potato chips, too. It's nice to serve on a chip and dip tray, along with "regular" chips, pita wedges, etc.
Let us know how they taste! I've seen these in some of my gardening mail-order catalogs and always wondered about the flavor! If they resemble Idaho bakers...or Yukon Gold, or...?
From: dawngatr at (Dawn)
Date: 25 Nov 1995 04:49:03 GMT
I order purple potatoes (which are called all-blue) by the fifty pound bags from a mail order company in Maine. They are organic. Its from a natural occurring pigment in the potato. I guess its a hybrid potato. Anway, they are wonderful. THE BEST potato I have ever eaten. They are best baked or roasted. They have a wonderful texture and have a slight nutty flavor. Try them...they are fabulous!
From: jules at MQH.CIT.CORNELL.EDU (Jules A Hojnowski)
Date: 27 Nov 1995 15:16:59 GMT
Dawn writes:
>I order purple potatoes (which are called all-blue) by the fifty pound
>bags from a mail order company in Maine.
What is the address of this company????
From: James Pavlovich (pavlovich at
Date: 28 Nov 1995 21:07:06 GMT
When I was in grad school my roommate was a crop science student. At the experiment station where he worked they used purple potatoes as markers between various treatment fields. He usually brought home bags and bags of the things and we lived on them-- especially as the month came to an end. I thought they tasted great, not unlike good bakers you by individually in the market. I used them for all my potatoe needs, though one Thanksgiving the purple-grey mashed potatoes did not go over well with the aesthetically conservative guests, but thay tasted great. My favorite recipe was a 13" patty of purple hash browns covered in sour cream, salsa, cheese, or whatever was in the fridge (Spaghetti sauce?).
From: baldrick at (Nancy Wenlock)
Date: 22 Nov 1995 14:53:43 GMT
All I know is that they are from the San Luis Valley area! I had never heard of them or seen them till I moved to Colorado either. Neat, eh?!!
From: hartmans at (Kay Hartman )
Date: 22 Nov 1995 15:08:31 GMT
Purple potatoes are a natural potato variety from Peru. In fact, Peru grows many varieties of potatoes that are never seen outside the country.
If you make mashed potatoes from your purple potatoes they will have a beautiful lavender color.
Gee, what minerals etc. make blueberries blue or strawberries red. I don't know. I never really worried about it.
From: serifm at
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 12:39:09 -0500
Potatoes were discovered in Peru by the Conquistadores. They come, naturally, in many colors, including black. The flavor differs slightly, but all are edible.
From: af877 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Harry Dodsworth)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 23:00:56 GMT
I grew purple potatoes in 1993 and didn't like them much so I had a lot of sprouty ones left over. I planted these in 1994 and they grew well and I liked them a bit better. Planted the leftovers again and they grew the best of any variety this year which was very hot and dry!
One problem is harvesting them; I have black soil and as the skins are almost black in the ground, it is quite difficult to see
Also preparing them is difficult as with the dark skins and bluish interior, it is hard to see bad spots that need removing.
When cooked, they tend to go to a very brownish blue which isn't particularly appealing. Also the texture is floury and the flavour isn't very special.
As to why they are purple, potatoes are very diverse genetically which is why there are so many variations. The seed company
offered all red potatoes as well this year. My favorite variety is the banana fingerling potato.