Soups: Potato soup anyone?

Subject: Potato soup anyone?
From: slsh3 at
Date: 8 Oct 1996 23:45:19 MDT
does anyoue have a good (and cheap) recipe for potato soup?
From: Martin Barry (mbarry at
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 04:18:54 -0700
4 potatoes
1 small onion
3/4 stick butter
2 cups milk,
salt and pepper to taste.

peel and dice potatoes and onion, place in large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. cook potatoes til done, then drain retaining about 1/3 of the water. return to stove, add milk and butter. let simmer til butter melts (do not let boil!) add salt and pepper to taste.
From: moosemeat at (Moosemeat)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 06:30:23 PST
Martin Barry wrote:
>peel and dice potatoes and onion, place in large saucepan, cover
>with water and bring to a boil. cook potatoes til done, then drain
>retaining about 1/3 of the water. return to stove, add milk and
>butter. let simmer til butter melts (do not let boil!) add salt and
>pepper to taste.

The above recipe is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Here is the correct recipe:
Peel and dice potatoes, rinse off starch and boil potato peices until nearly done (i.e. slight crunch) dice onion and fry with bacon that has been cut into small pieces. Fry until translucent.
Add milk and potato pieces and bring to a simmer with some butter added (maybe a tablespoon full)
Thicken with flour or corn starch dissolved in some more milk (flour is better)
Salt and pepper to taste.

For a real wild seafood experience toss in a couple of cans of diced clams but don't try to pass this off as Clam Chowder or you will start an uprising among the New England natives (However let's face it; this really is Clam Chowder)
Finally, you can jazz it up (appearance-wise) with some bottled Parsely flakes.
From: susanc at (Susan Cass)
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 08:27:35 GMT
For really good soup add diced ham with the potatoes and also you can add sour cream after you add the milk. Super!!