Soups: Potato Soup Recipe Please

Subject: Potato Soup Recipe Please
From: ppppb at (pat)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 22:30:49 GMT
I am looking for the best possible tasting potato soup recipe. I am trying to surprise my wife with her favorite soup. Any variations for taste are definately welcome. Thank you in advance.

From: mike.henley at (Mike Henley)
Date: 9 Sep 1996 12:34:00 GMT
Here are three very different, interesting and good tasting potato soup recipes. Try 'em all, they'll go fast. <grin>

*Mike* - in Houston

Title: Potatos Plakey
Categories: Greek, Soups, Vegetables
Yield: 6 servings

1 1/2 lb Potatos cut in 1/2" rounds
1 ds Black Pepper
10 Cloves of Garlic
1/2 c Olive oil
5 tb Italian parsley chopped
1 c Tomatos with juice
1 ts Tomato paste or catsup
1 ds Salt
1 c Water (as needed)

Cook in pressure cooker.
Cook for 10 minutes at pressure, remove from heat then let pressure fall by itself. Cook without lid for an additional 5 minutes, or until liquid has a light sauce texture (not watery).

FROM - Sandra Aslanidis - Athens, Greece

Title: Potato Leek Soup
Categories: Soups, Vegetables
Yield: 6 servings

3 Leeks, white part chopped in 1/4" half rounds
6 c Water
2 Vegetable boullion cubes
2 1/2 ts Canola oil
1/2 ts Tarragon
4 Fist sized potatoes, scrubbed and diced
1/4 ts Black pepper

Heat oil in heavy bottomed pot over medium heat. Saute leeks in oil until tender, about 5 minutes. Dissolve boullion cubes in 3 cups boiling water. Add boullion, 3 remaining cups water, and all other ingredients to pot and bring to boil. Reduce to simmer and cook until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. Allow soup to cool some and then puree it in food processor or blender. **This is an important step because it gives the soup a creamy texture.** Reheat and enjoy.

From: Peggy Myers (Peggy_Myers at

Title: Wisconsin Potato Cheese Soup
Categories: Soups, Cheese, Vegetables
Yield: 8 servings

2 tb Butter or margarine
1 1/2 ts Salt
1/3 c Chopped celery
1/4 ts Pepper
1/3 c Chopped onions
1 ds Paprika
4 c Diced peeled potatoes
8 oz Shredded cheddar cheese
3 c Chicken broth
2 c Milk
Fresh chopt parsley (opt)

In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium-high heat. Saute celery and onion until tender. Add potatoes and broth. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 12 minutes. In batches, puree potato mixture in a blender (or food processor). Return to saucepan. Stir in milk and seasonings. Add the cheese and heat only until melted. Top with croutons and garnish
with parsley if desired.

(Recipe from an issue of "Country" magazine several years ago. It was the midwest contest winner for Darlene Alexander of Nekoosa, Wisconsin.)
From: Julie (sgjg6566 at
Date: 10 Sep 1996 12:46:15 GMT
Here's one of our favorites!!

6 slices bacon
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 large leek, chopped
3 1/2 cups chopped potato (about 1 pound)
3 cups chicken broth
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp white pepper
1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
1/2 cup half and half

Cook bacon in large saucepan over medium heat 4 minutes, stir often. Add onion, cabbage and leek, cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add potato and next 3 ingredients; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Transfer potato mixture in batches to food processor; process until smooth, stopping once to scrape down sides of bowl. Return mixture to pan; add cheese and cook, stirring constantly, until cheese melts; do not boil. Stir in half and half. Makes about 8 cups--recipe can be doubled.
From: N. Ellestad (nati at
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 11:48:32 -0700
Here is a very, very good, but very, very simple recipe for Potato Soup, you must also be an onion lover to enjoy this one.

Take any number of potatoes, and half that number of onions, peel and cut potatoes, same with onions (you want to cut the onions finely), put in a deep pan and cover with water, it should be about one finger above potatoes and onions. Add a some olive oil, and let boil. When potatoes are well done (falling apart), turn off stove, mix until it almost looks like watery mashed potatoes. Add milk, until it becomes a creamy soup consistency, then add salt and peper to taste. It is a really great soup, people never believe it tastes so good and is so easy to make.
From: schiele at (Squeaks)
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 15:26:06 -0400 (EDT)
This one is one my family just loves - makes a fairly small batch, so I always double it:

Leek and Potato Soup

Recipe By: James Beard
Serving Size: 4
Categories: Soups And Stews

5 leeks
3 tablespoons butter
3 cups potatoes -- diced
1 quart chicken broth
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour

Wash the leeks, split them lengthwise, and cut into thin slices after removing all sand. Saute in 3 tablespoons butter in a large skillet for about 4 mins. Add the potatoes and the broth and bring to a boil. Boil for 2 mins. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender. Season to taste with salt, cayenne and nutmeg. Strain out the vegetables and puree in food processor. Return to the broth. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan over low heat and stir in the flour. Add 1 1/2 cups of the broth and bolend well until the mixture thickens. Return to the kettle and stir until soup comes to a boil.

Vichyssoise variation:

Prepare soup as above and allow it to cool. Add 1 1/2 cups heavy cream and blend well. Chill in refrigerator. Serve chilled.
From: June Meyer (june4 at
Date: 9 Sep 1996 19:53:32 GMT
Hi Pat, check out my Hungarian Potato Soup with sour cream and vinegar. It is in the recipe index of my home page. []
From: dunwoods at (Linda Carr)
Date: 10 Sep 1996 06:53:41 GMT
This recipe was posted here a while back. My family liked it a lot.


4 large baked potatoes.
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup flour
1-1/2 quarts milk
4 green onions, chopped
1 cup sour cream
2 cups crisp-cooked bacon, crumbled
5 oz. cheddar cheese, grated
salt & pepper to taste.

Cut potatoes in half, scoop out the meat and set aside. Chop half the potato peels and discard the remainder. When milk mixture is very hot, whisk in potato. Add green onion and potato peels. Whisk well, add sour cream and crumbled bacon. Heat through. Add cheese a little at a time until all is melted in.
From: nancy-dooley at (Nancy Dooley)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 10:46:16
>This recipe was posted here a while back. My family liked it a lot.


>4 large baked potatoes.

I believe this is Edward Beatty's - I will never forgive him for posting this, as it has become my favorite winter comfort food. ;-)
From: custom at (Emile L. Stieffel)
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 21:47:25 GMT
I have cooked this many times it is best when served the a thick steak or duck. You can find it here: []

I know the quantities are quite large so cut them back or invite some guests.

Recipe By: Custom Catering's

Baked Potato Soup
Yield - about 2 gallons

1 QUART SOUR CREAM (Room temperature)
1 CUP BACON GREASE (Strained to remove any browned particles, warmed)
Garnish Toppings
2 CUPS BACON BITS (Crumbled)
1/2 LB FRESH MUSHROOMS (Washed and sliced)

Coat the potatoes in the olive oil then bake them and the onions in a 375F oven for 45 minutes. Remove the potatoes and onions from the oven and allow to cool. (About 30 minutes).

Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise; use a Chef's spoon to scoop the meat from the potato skins. (Do not puncture the skins, leave about 1/8 of an inch of meat remaining on the skins. These then can be used for Custom Catering's Crawfish Pirogues recipe!) Peel the skin and roots from the onions.

Use a food processor to puree and blend all of the ingredients. The residual heat from the potatoes and onions will melt the cheese. Add the soup to a 10 quart stock pot or Dutch oven and over low heat warm the soup. Serve.

Alternate Method:
If bacon grease is unavailable use lard.

Plate Presentation:
Serve the soup in a large tureen with warmed soup bowls and the garnish toppings in separate display bowls.

Chef's Notes:
The intent of this recipe is a soup that has all of the flavor of a baked potato that is loaded with all the usual fillings, then allow the guest to add their own extras. Most of our recipes are cooked with little salt, you may want to add more for your personal taste.

Chef Emile L. Stieffel, custom at
Custom Catering, Inc.
4016 Red Cypress Dr., Harvey, LA 70058 []
From: Barbara Mayo-Wells (bmw at
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 09:25:35 -0400
Really, really easy potato soup -- serves one; vary quantities depending on how many & how hungry the eaters are.

One bouillon cube (beef, chicken, whatever; I prefer chicken)
One large potato, peeled & cut into chunks
Enough water to cover the potato
(Optional: half a small onion, cut very fine)

Boil until the potato is tender. Do NOT drain. Cool slightly. Whirl in blender. Add grated cheese to taste (sharp cheddar is wonderful).

Soup for one takes about 15 minutes. Great with green salad, plus fruit for dessert.
From: Tricia (calbar at
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 22:14:50 -0700
This recipe has been a Christmas tradition in my family for at least 15 years.

Potato Soup

4 potatoes, peeled, cooked and mashed (cubed and slightly mashed if you
like chunky soup)
4 strips bacon, cut into small pieces
1 stalk celery finely chopped
1/2 small onion finely chopped
4 cups milk

Brown bacon until nearly crisp. Add chopped celery and onions. Cook over medium-low heat until cooked or tender. Add to mashed potatoes. Stir in milk. Cook over low heat until milk is hot. Add salt and pepper to taste.

We usually have grilled cheese sandwiches with the soup for a full meal. I have made this recipe with skim milk which doesn't change the flavor too much. I like it when half the potatoes are mashed and half are cubed.
From: kleist at (Don Kleist)
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:44:47 +0100
Emile L. Stieffel wrote:

> Custom Catering's
> Baked Potato Soup

> 1 BUNCH SHALLOTS (Chopped)

Chef Emile uses the term shallots to mean what most of the rest of us call green onions or scallions. I asked him this once when I tried to follow another recipe from his home page.

> Chef Emile L. Stieffel
> []

BTW - The recipes from his page that I have tried have been very good.
From: custom at (Emile L. Stieffel)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 18:30:29 GMT
Don Kleist wrote:

>Chef Emile uses the term shallots to mean what most of the rest of us call
>green onions or scallions. I asked him this once when I tried to follow
>another recipe from his home page.

> The recipe for Pork Loin Saint Laurent calls for 1/2 bunch of shallots,
> but the description of what to do with them leads me to believe that you
> mean scallions (green onions.) I noticed this in a couple of other
> recipes also. Is this a regional difference? You really got me thinking here.

I called my mom (65 yrs old) and asked her how she cooks "Oyster Patties" (a dish that uses plenty of shallots) and in her verbal description she constantly interchanged the words shallots and green onions in her description. Go figure!
Frank Davis in he "Seafood Notebook" sometimes uses "green onions" and sometimes uses "shallots". Go figure!
Justin Wilson, in his cook book "Homegrown Louisiana Cookin" uses the term "green onions". But in his cooking show he calls them "shallots". Go figure!
Paul Prudhomme on page 29 of"Louisiana Kitchen" says, "Green onions, Many people call the scallions, and just as many call them green onions." with no mention of shallots. Go Figure!

> Also, are "garlic toes" just whole cloves of garlic? It sounds that way from
> the way they are used.

I've always called a "pod" of garlic the whole complete and clumped together thing. The "toes" are what ya get when ya break a pod apart and peel the skin away.
I'm writing a book on New Orleans lexicons and never thought to include "Shallots",
Garlic "pods" and "toes". I guess I'll hav'ta.

Ok now let's find out from the expert, Mr. Ketola, what do you think? I'm asking honestly, I'm not trying to set you up, just offering "the olive branch" of peace for your thoughts. From your resume you have a lot of experience, so what do you think?
From: tellall at (John E. Ketola)
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 15:32:22 GMT
Hi Emile,

Scallions and green onions are the same thing. They are young onions that have been pulled from the ground before they go to the " bulb" stage. They look like miniature leeks. Leeks are another kind of onion. There are many varieties in this grouping which are closely related to the familiar globe onion.

Still in the onion family are the garlic and the shallot. They are each a cluster of cloves, toes or more properly bulblets. The pungent garlic has a paperlike sac holding it together and the milder-than-most-onions shallot is held together more like the regular onion. Garlic clusters are called bulbs, heads or pods.

Now I am sure there are tons of other names for each of these plants and parts. If any word or term is in common usage in one area, then it will be correct and understood in that area.

If Frank, Justin, you and your mom call green onions - shallots, I'm not gonna say you're wrong. I'll say " I call them green onions". Go down to your produce market when you're buying veggies for the restaurant and look for shallots as I described and green onions, then talk to the vendor. They'll have a lot of regional information.

When it comes to potato soup my vote would be for leeks for the base and green onions for a garnish or chives.
From: Joel.Ehrlich at (Joel Ehrlich)
Date: 18 Sep 1996 09:11:38
Emile L. Stieffel wrote:
> Ok now let's find out from the expert, Mr. Ketola, what do you think?
> I'm asking honestly, I'm not trying to set you up, just offering "the
> olive branch" of peace for your thoughts. From your resume you have a
> lot of experience, so what do you think?

EMFBI but this is a fairly well documented area of linguistic confusion. There is a vegetable named shallot. It is _not_ a green onion. It is not a scallion. It is somewhat heavier flavored and darker colored than a scallion (which _is_ a green onion).

They are uncommon (and nearly unknown) in much of the U.S., particularly the south, and, as the various cuisines of the delta and nearby regions developed, scallions were commonly used in their place in recipes which originally called for shallots. Thus developed the linguistic difference. New recipes developed in the region perpetuated that difference.

So, for the record, what is known as a shallot in much of the southern U.S., particularly in creole and cajun regions, is actually a scallion.

Next. A "toe" of garlic is a "clove" of garlic. A "head" of garlic is a "pod" of garlic is a "garlic".

In the U.S., there are so many cultural threads which have come together that it is hardly surprising that there are many things which have numerous names deriving from the many different cultures whose cuisines have been brought here.
From: Ruth (cat at
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 13:09:00 CST
Here is our favorite:

Franconian Potato Soup

2 large carrots
1 parsnip
1/2 celeriac
1 onion
1 1/2 pounds potatoes
1 leek
2 slices bacon
3 tablespoons butter
6 cups beef or chicken broth
salt to taste
white pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon marjoram
Fresh chopped parsley for garnish

1.) Peel and cut into small cubes the first 4 ingredients.
2.) Peel and cut potatoes into 1/2 inch cubes.
3.) Cut off green part from leek and discard. Take white part and rinse thoroughly, then cut into 1/4 inch rings.
4.) Cut bacon into small strips.
5.) Melt butter in saucepan and saute the bacon for 2 minutes. Add all the cut up veggies and slightly brown them for 3-5 minutes, stirring often
6.) Take half of the contents out and puree in food processor or blender. ( You might have to use a little broth to do this )
7.) Pour the puree back to the rest of the veggies in the pot and add broth
8.) Bring to a boil and let simmer for 10 minutes.
9.) Add seasonings and cook 10 minutes longer.
10.) Pour soup into serving bowl and sprinkle with chopped parsley.