Soups: WANTEDS:Potato Cheese soup recipe

Subject: WANTEDS:Potato Cheese soup recipe
From: Sarah Craig (scraig at
Date: 12 Apr 1996 22:34:32 GMT
I am looking for a potatoe cheese soup recipe. The soups I've eaten in the past also had celery and onions in them. I would appreciate any ideas.
From: kenwhite at (Ronda White)
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 05:52:27 GMT
This is not an exact science but this is the way I make potato cheese soup:

5 Large Potatoes cut into chunks about 1"
1 medium size onion - chopped
1 can evaporated milk
1 large brick of Velveta, cut into 1/2" squares
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine potatoes and onion in pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Cook until potatoes are soft and fall apart. Don't drain. Mash the potatoes. Add evaporated milk and velveta. Cook until cheese is melted. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with sourdough bread and chilled chardonay!
From: Linda.Magee at (Linda Magee)
Date: 13 Apr 96 06:13:10
Hi Sarah, here's my favorite recipe.

This is my rendition of a soup served at a chain of restaurants here in California called "Carrows". I LOVED their soup, so I decided to try my hand at making it myself...mine tastes better. :) The exact proportions aren't important; adjust the water and cheese once the soup's almost done. never measure and haven't made it inedible yet. The cheese is what makes it. Some people frown at using the evaporated milk (too much fat they say), but that's kind of redundant...I mean, with all that cheese? ;D I only splurge once and a while and make it for me.


2-3 large POTATOES (I use White Rose potatoes-- not baking potatoes; the ones I use have a creamy texture when cooked; the skins are light colored and very thin. Leave the skins on the potato chunks if you want)
6 cups WATER
1 can EVAPORATED MILK (I THINK it's a 14 oz can--not the small one)
2 strips BACON, finely diced
1 small ONION, finely diced
1 rib CELERY, finely diced
1-2 (5 oz) jars * OLD ENGLISH CHEESE SPREAD (Kraft Brand)

* You'll find the Old English Cheese Spread (look for a small glass jar with a blue lid) next to the Kraft (brand) parmesan cheese (round, green canister). It's a sharp, soft cheese. NO it tastes nothing like Velveeta (can't stand the stuff). Depending on how much water is left after cooking the potatoes, I sometimes add the second jar, or just part of it. Taste the soup and add however much you like (to your taste).

Take one (or two) of the potatoes and cut it into a medium dice. Place the cut-up potato and the water into a pan and cook until the potatoes are very soft. Once the potato is soft-cooked, mash it with a potato masher. Cut the other potato into bite-size pieces or thinly slice it and add it to the mashed potatoes in the water. You may want to add more water, depending on how much evaporated. Cook the second potato until it's tender, but not falling apart.

While the second potato is cooking, saute the bacon, onion and celery until they're transparent; set aside.

Once the second potato is done, add the bacon/onion mixture and the milk. Heat the mixture until it's quite warm, then add one jar of the cheese. Stir, over low heat, until the cheese melts. Taste the soup; if it doesn't have enough cheese in it, add some or all of the second jar. Add a little more water if it needs it, taste. Keep doing that until it's as rich tasting as you like.

If you like a really thick soup, you can either soft-cook and mash 2 potatoes and cut up another one (or two) for the chunks/slices, or thicken it with a LITTLE all-purpose flour once you've added the's up to you.

I know the soup sounds is, but it's absolutely delicious. Before trying the recipe with the Kraft Old English cheese, every recipe curdled on me. I guarantee you this one won't curdle!