Grilled/BBQ: Baked Potato in Gas BBQ?

Subject: Baked Potato in Gas BBQ?
From: Bobz (Bobzworld1 at
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 22:50:29 GMT
how long do you bake a Potato in a Gas BBQ?

From: penmart01 at aol.como (Sheldon)
Date: 14 Jul 2004 00:36:20 GMT
Exactly the same length of time as in a kitchen oven or until done to your liking.
From: Brian Rodenborn (first.last at
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:59:13 GMT
Bobz wrote:
> how long do you bake a Potato in a Gas BBQ?

What temperature?
From: ranck at (Bill Ranck)
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 16:02:36 +0000 (UTC)
Bobz wrote:
> how long do you bake a Potato in a Gas BBQ?

Until it's done. Seriously, there are too many variables to give you a set time. You just have to check it with a fork or something till it is soft enough for your liking.
From: Dave Smith (adavid.smith at
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:33:40 -0400
Bobz wrote:
> how long do you bake a Potato in a Gas BBQ?

I had the best BBQ baked potatoes I ever made last weekend. I heated up both sides of the gas BBQ, split medium size potatoes in half and rubbed with butter and set them skin side down. After 10 minutes I turned off the gas on the potato side and left the other burner on high. When they started to soften I cut slits into the open side and rammed a little more butter into them. They were done in about 45 minutes.