Subject: Jacket potatoes
From: Bill (billbass at
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 22:04:39 +0100
I have been asked to do some cookery teaching with a group of young people with some learning difficulties. The subject (don't laugh please) is "101 things to do with jacket potatoes". I want to do fairly simple things. Do you know of a site or a source (sauce) of information where I can get some ideas. Any help gratefully appreciated.
From: stan at
Date: 15 Oct 2001 22:43:46 GMT
What about preparing different toppings for the potatoes? Baked beans, bacon and cheddar cheese, sour cream with butter, etc.
From: Jay (J.arnold at
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 15:28:11 +0100
Stan wrote:
> What about preparing different toppings for the potatoes? Baked beans,
> bacon and cheddar cheese, sour cream with butter, etc.
I would start from the beginning -
what about different cooking methods - in barbi wrapped in foil, in oven, in microwave etc I'm sure there are more ...and compare different textures etc, my other half hates microwaved potaotes but adores oven baked ones. My mum salts them and wraps them in foil before baking - I don't bother, my nan does and leaves them to sit for 10 mins before cutting and serving, alledgedly to rest like she does with meat, I don't bother with this either.
Also try different types of potatoe and get them to work out which variety is their favourite
Also as a variation of the fillings idea - what about potatoe skins....
if you get bored there is always potatoe printing - I guess you could use food colouring to keep it foodie!
just a few ideas, let us know how you get on...
From: barry_grau at (Barry Grau)
Date: 16 Oct 2001 13:42:36 -0700
Bill wrote:
> The subject (don't laugh please) is "101
> things to do with jacket potatoes".
Knock yourself out [] [] (Sorry I couldnt resist)
From: Brian (munged.address at
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 21:41:35 GMT
Any sources on where to get the potato jackets?
From: Bill (billbass at
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 19:33:26 +0100
Thanks folks. Some splendid answers and adice. Very grateful.