Roasted: REQ: Oven Roasted Potatos
Subject: REQ: Oven Roasted Potatos
From: Vickie (vval at
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 18:17:39 -0500
I'm sure this is an extreamly easy think to make, I have just never done it. Can someone please give me a quick run down?
From: idlewild at (June Oshiro)
Date: 6 Nov 1998 00:50:57 GMT
vroom, vroommm....
baking potatoes. peeled. cut into chunks. parboiled - dump into boiling water, boil for just a few minutes - ~5 or so. drain. mix with 1 pck of the lipton soup mix of your choice - i don't like the onion one, i like this garlic something or other. add enough oil to make the stuff sort of slick (the lipton recipe recommends 1/4 c oil for 4 potatoes, which i find to be a bit much). bake at 400 deg F until tender all the way through, then finish off with a touch in the broiler to get it crispy.
From: Leigh in raLeigh (lmenconi at
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 21:43:49 -0500
I toss the chunks of potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary and then just roast at 400-450 for 40 minutes or so until they're toasty-brown. Works great on a grill, too, if you wrap them in foil.
From: Mary Gorman (mgorman at
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 20:56:22 -0600
Leigh in raLeigh wrote:
>I toss the chunks of potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary
I do something similar, tossing the potatoes with olive oil, rosemary, whole cloves of garlic, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. YUMMY!!!!
From: Al Moore (aemretd at
Date: 6 Nov 1998 03:49:00 GMT
Mary Gorman wrote:
> Leigh in raLeigh wrote:
> >I toss the chunks of potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and
> >rosemary and then just roast at 400-450 for 40 minutes or so
> I do something similar, tossing the potatoes with olive oil,
> rosemary, whole cloves of garlic, balsamic vinegar, salt, and
> pepper. YUMMY!!!!
Both of those sound really good. Originally (if that is ever the right word when talking about food), you got extra flavor by tucking the potatoes under the roast while it was cooking. James Beard's American Cookery suggests parboiling for about five minutes, slicing them the long way about 1" wide, and tucking them into the pan juices being created by the roast. --aem
From: Jan (redroket at
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 10:41:25 -0800
I also do something similar: I use unpeeled red potatoes, either chunks, wedges or "french fry" style and put them in a ziplock type bag, put in a tablespoon or two of olive or canola oil. I use a package of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix, onion soup mix, or taco seasoning mix (adjust amount to taste). I bake them on a foil covered pan sprayed with "pam" spray.
From: C.L. Gifford (saiga at
Date: 06 Nov 1998 02:36:58 PST
Leigh in raLeigh wrote:
> I toss the chunks of potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary
> and then just roast at 400-450 for 40 minutes or so until they're
> toasty-brown. Works great on a grill, too, if you wrap them in foil.
This is how I do it too - except: I cut the potatoes in wedges and add a bunch of garlic cloves.
Charlie (Liam)
From: rickandlisa at (Rick Marinelli)
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 13:39:31 GMT
June, Leigh, and Mary:
All of your methods sound delicious. I propose a roast-off, with me as judge... :)
From: stan at (Stan Horwitz)
Date: 6 Nov 1998 16:14:05 GMT
All I do is take some of those small red skinned potatoes, wash them and cut them into halves or quarters, depending on their size. I then place each one with the cut side up on a metal baking tray. On each potato, I drizzle a bit of olive oil and then sprinkle each one with some paprika, a bit of rosemary and fresh ground pepper. Pop them in a 400 degree oven for 45 minutes to an hour until the potatoes start to get golden brown. I flip the potatoes over half way through the cooking.
Subject: Re: Oven Roasted Potatos
From: kevin clark (kevin clark at
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 20:16:39 GMT
vickie - peel potatoes, cut in half lengthwise, parboil - till just about cooked. Roll in melted butter that has been mixed with a little lemon juice.make sure all sides of potatoes are covered with butter. Place flat side down in pan. Sprinkle with salt and lots of pepper.Roast in 350 oven till golden. About 1.5 hours. Enjoy!
From: Michael Edelman (mje at
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 10:48:52 -0500
Had dinner with some friends last night. They cut up a number of potatos, carrots, onions, parsnips and a chicken or two, sprinkled everything with a simple home made vinegrette and roasted it all in a large open pan- the sort restaurants use. Wonderful.