Subject: ISO: Parsley'd potatoes...
From: Phil (goldpnr at
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:54:09 -0700
I have a sack of Yukon Gold potatoes, and was wondering if anyone has a parsley'd potatoe recipe I could use with these if I quarter them, and leave the peels on?
From: Sheryl Rosen (catmandy at
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 02:30:23 GMT
Yukon Gold skins tend to be kinda tough, but if you like them, go for it! Go to
There is a nice parslied potatoes recipe on that site.
From: stan at
Date: 21 Nov 2001 12:54:25 GMT
Just wash the spuds, then quarter them. Layer them on a baking tray, drizzel with olive oil, sprinke with finely chopped parsley and any other herbs you like. Add a bit of freshly ground black pepper and a bit of olive oil. Rosemary is very good on potatoes. Bake them in a 350 for 45 minutes or until they're nice and golden brown and soft. Turn them over after about twenty minutes and drizzle with more olive oil.
Subject: Re: Parsley'd potatoes...
From: jim (imajes at
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 21:37:35 -0500
Quarter 'em with the skins on, boil 'em 'til they're most done, drain, season with salt and pepper and copious amounts of butter, sprinkle on some chopped parsley and keep warm if you just want boiled parsleyed taters or dump 'em in a buttered casserole and run 'em in the oven for a bit to kinda roast 'em if that's what you want. I rather prefer my Yukon Golds smushed with lotsa the aforementioned butter, cream and roasted garlic, tank jew berry much.