Roasted: freezing roasted potatoes
Subject: freezing roasted potatoes
From: kslea at (Twinkle Toes)
Date: 29 Nov 2001 10:35:38 -0800
I'm sitting here, eating my lunch, which consists of leftover potroast that I've had in the freezer for a couple of weeks. Overall, it's much preferable to a regular store-bought frozen meal except for the potatotes. I had peeled and quartered potatoes (red, I think, based on the size) and roasted them with the meat, and they were quite good when first cooked. However, the potatoes that I just got done eating had a sort of papery outer layer and the inside had turned all gritty. Is there some trick to freezing the potatoes so they don't do this? The meat, juices, and other veggies (mostly carrots in this container) all taste fine. To reheat, I nuked it for 5 minutes, stirring it part way through, if that makes a difference. If anyone has tips or a method to freeze roasted potatoes, I'd love to hear it, since this is a much yummier (and cheaper, I think) way to do lunch than the store-bought stuff. Thanks!
From: Pat Meadows (pat at
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 23:03:42 GMT
At least so far as I know, there's no way to freeze potatoes (using equipment available in homes) without them getting that HORRID texture. Ick!
Just toss the potatoes and freeze the rest.
From: Vinny Marinara (TheGoadfather at
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 22:06:10 -0500
Hmmmm...that "papery outer layer..." would that be the skin?? I would try yukon golds, or maybe buy tiny gourmet taters and leave them whole, but peel them. I am not a potato peel person, unless they're baked and crispy.
From: barry_grau at (Barry Grau)
Date: 30 Nov 2001 09:16:47 -0800
My experience with freezing braises or stews or pot roasts with potatoes is that the potatoes turn spongy, for lack of a better word. I'm not sure why, but was wondering this myself a couple weeks ago. My experience has been with russet potatoes. I was planning on trying it on waxier potatoes to see if that helps.