Mashed: preparing mashed potatoes
Subject: preparing mashed potatoes
From: banfstr at (BanFstr)
Date: 24 Nov 1997 03:09:19 GMT
When using a potato ricer to prepare mashed potatoes, do you have to peel them before ricing? I don't want to find out what will happen on Thursday. Anyone with experience?
From: sue at (Curly Sue)
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 04:25:32 GMT
Yes, peel them first. The peel won't go through the leetle holes.
From: Raymond at
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 07:48:13 GMT
Well, perhaps you've never tried it, or perhaps we have different kinds of ricers. I've never peeled my potatoes. I cut them into eighths (or just good-sized chunks) and go for it. We may have different kinds of ricers. I have the kind that looks like a funnel on stilts and it has a cone-shaped wooden mallet that fits inside. Potatoes don't have to be peeled for this ricer. The peelings stick to the mallet and I use the dull side of a knife to scrape them off if I'm doing a lot of potatoes. You might want to try a few both ways because the taste is different with the peelings on, and I rice my potatoes specifically to get that taste. You may prefer the blander taste of peeled potatoes.
If you use a ricer that looks like a big garlic press, I have never used one of those so I can't offer any help.
From: Bob Y (rdyoung at
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 04:00:45 -0600
Good question. I've always peeled them. Why don't you boil a small test potato and try it before the big dinner, say today, and let us know the results.
From: Miriam Podcameni Posvolsky (miriamp at
Date: 24 Nov 97 13:55:41 GMT
I cook the potatoes in their skins, peel them as soon as I can handle them and put them through the ricer. Mashing them with a wooden spoon, while still hot so as not to get lumps.
From: penmart10 at (Sheldon)
Date: 24 Nov 1997 16:22:12 GMT
Peeling spuds before mashing is a good idea no matter what method. Especially with ricers, the skins will quickly clog the holes.
From: rumple at (Betty)
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:00:42 GMT
No. That's what is so nice about them. It pushes the pulp through the holes and leaves the skin in the ricer. Then just do whatever you would do mashed potatoes.
Subject: Lumpy or smooth? was Re: preparing mashed potatoes
From: at (Peggy)
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 18:30:55 -0400
Miriam Podcameni Posvolsky wrote:
> I cook the potatoes in their skins, peel them as soon as I can handle them
> and put them through the ricer. Mashing them with a wooden spoon, while
> still hot so as not to get lumps.
I prefer my mashed potatoes a little lumpy, so I use the red potatoes. I also mash with skin and all, adding some sour cream and chives along with the butter and S&P.